Tuesday, August 3

To Love and To Be Loved

“If love crush your heart, then follow it, grab it and hug it. Even if it’s long and winding road. If the darkness hides trees and flowers from our sight, it will not hide love from our heart. Love is a beauty that changes the world into heaven and it changes this life into liquid dream. It is important for you to have some kind of loving feeling in the form of anything in your heart. It’s also important for you to be loved. To love is easier than to be loved. If you love somebody, you will try to reach him/her someday. I have been thinking that to love and to be loved are different things. Now I know that both of them is the same."

quoted from Kahlil Gibran, from his book titled “everybody wants to fall in love”)

This quotation reminds me of someone whom I so fall in love with. I have so much good and bad memories, but unfortunately we have to separate in the end.
Don’t you take it for granted that by give our love to someone we can reach our beloved....

To love someone means willing to fully sacrifice something for someone that you love, but sometimes the person that you love doesn’t even realize that you really love her so that you want to do anything for her, this sometimes also makes you forget that you yourself need to be loved.

Sometimes people too late to understand that they need to give love back to person that have been done so many things for them until they realize that they have lost the person that love them forever.

In our life there is the truth that all people need to love and they also need to be loved. Both of them have important meaning in our life. Most people often think that they need to be loved first and then they can love each other.

It’s like a mother case, she always loves her children all through her life and her love will never die until her dying day, a mother never wants something in return from her children...just like the song ‘ mother love for me will never die all through this life, she is only giving not wanting something in return. It’s just like the sun shines on earth’ .........

"Kasih ibu kepada beta tak terhingga sepanjang masa,
hanya memberi tak harap kembali bagai surya menyinari dunia.”

So do I, and all of my friends of course. To love and to be loved is a matter of choice, but both are the same. Consider this....choosing to be loved with the hope that someone will love you back or choosing to love with the hope also that someone will love you back...once again, it’s just a matter of choice. So choose what is the best for you before you decide to walk through it....

(From Life is Amazing Book, Author: Siti Meiyana Arafah)

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